Genesis 2:18-25
Here is God the Gardner at work. A garden in other Scriptures is a symbol for “temple”. He made regular trees, special trees, rivers and had a hired hand to keep the garden. Their “work” was worship.
Here is God the Gardner at work. A garden in other Scriptures is a symbol for “temple”. He made regular trees, special trees, rivers and had a hired hand to keep the garden. Their “work” was worship.
The Garden of Eden is located “in the
east”. This seems to be a puzzle. If the center of the Biblical world is
Palestine, east would be toward what we know as Russia and China. We are told
that the location east of Eden is in the Tigris-Euphrates area of Mesopotamia.
The data in Genesis 2:8–10 indicates that it was in the Shinar Plain area, and
that four “heads” were formed from the one river flowing through Eden to water
the garden. The heads were the Tigris and Euphrates (both of which are familiar
modern rivers), and two rivers which have disappeared—the Pishon and Gihon. The
latter were most probably irrigation canals, since in cuneiform there is no
separate word for “river” and “irrigation canal.”